Hans Niemann Is A Very Strange Chess Player

Published 2023-10-16

All Comments (21)
  • @mcronrn
    That new product sounds great! I’m gonna check it out and tell my friends at the bar and library!! 👍🏽👍🏽🙏🙏
  • @omvegan
    All that would have been strange is if Fabiano had lost. He's the one playing like a 2800.
  • @SenatorBluto
    He's a lot more solid and sensible at the age of 20 than I will ever be as a chessplayer.
  • I don't think it's that strange. We have a lot of very solid, very steady players at the top now - Carlsen, Caruana, So, Giri, the list goes on. Even so, Nepomniachtchi, famous for breaking down in the second halves of tournaments and going on tilt (losing quickly and shockingly, see for example the latter half of his last championship against Carlsen) is right there at the top and almost became world champion. In the past most players were less consistent. Vassily Ivanchuck also had a reputation for playing like this (not so much the bad days, anyone can play badly and usually did, but having extemely good days). The solid players with almost no bad days are the strange ones.
  • @kewkabe
    "Sometimes he plays like a 2800, sometimes like a 2500." That would explain his 2650 ELO I suppose.
  • @ivanviehoff6025
    Caruana recently described how his games against Niemann most often seem to go. HN plays the opening well, very well prepared. Then HN plays the early middle game less accurately than FC. FC then makes a slip and gives HN an advantage. Then HN makes a bigger slip, FC capitalises and wins. This game followed that pattern perfectly. Niemann's advantage from the opening prep was eroded. Then FC slipped in failing to play ...Qh4 leaving HN on top. Then HN's bigger slip was b3. It's notable how (after 10 rounds) HN has got 1.5/5 from the lower half of the field and 3.5/5 from the upper half, despite losing to FC. A Very Strange Player.
  • @juanitotucupei
    you promised you would cover this game, and you delivered, thank you!!
  • @Cynicalgeek743
    Once again, highly entertaining and informative analysis. Best chess commentator bar none
  • @stephenr80
    You are my guy. Balance for nonplayers keep em coming❤
  • @CV_CA
    Depend how the probe works, some days are better than others.
  • @galaxygalaxy4429
    4 bucks, barely a cup of coffee. 4 bucks for a cup of coffee😅
  • @Moshion
    The ad in the middle of the analysis is quite a shame to be fair, through me of the focus on the game.
  • Hans played a Good Game losing to Fabiano is nothing to hang your head about Fabiano was kind of Magnuresque in this Game playing it looked like top moves Yeah Hans might be a bit strange but I’m glad he’s able to compete with other top GMs hopefully he starts maturing just a bit more Thanks for the Game James enjoy your day