Wirtual Plays The Random Generated Track Cup $250

Publicado 2023-05-06

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @NewLegacy93
    I love wirtuals stance on technology "I don't understand how it works and why it does dumb things and that makes me mad" but also "I don't want to understand how it works, don't tell me how it works, just let me be angry and wrong". You've gotta respect the self-awareness
  • @WirtualVODs
    Part 2 of the RTG Cup will be released within 24 hours hope you guys enjoy!
  • @piguyalamode164
    On driver updates: you are almost right, but there are still good reasons to update your drivers The two reasons to update your drivers: reason 1(the good reason): Drivers have to deal with hardware, and hardware is terrible to deal with. Thus, people will periodically find bugs or clever ways to use the hardware better. This is especially true for new hardware reason 2(the tech support reason): Updating drivers is very simple, at its most intensive it just requires a restart. And most of the time the risks are very low. So it makes since why it is so often a recommended step, because if it fixes the problem you don't have to do something more complicated. That being said, if your hardware has been out for a while(like a year), a lot of the growing pains for the driver will have passed. This means that updating your driver probably has very little upside most of the time, unless you have a specific reason to think you need to update. Here are the specific reasons: (1) you are experiencing weird graphical artifacts, especially across multiple applications, (2) performance is significantly impacted in ways not otherwise explicable, or (3) the update fixes a bug or makes a performance improvement. To be clear, you should still update your drivers periodically(at least once every few months) to ensure bugs get patched, and you should update your drivers more frequently if your hardware is newer(new hardware has more problems). A lot of the same logic applies to software updates
  • @fudgemerchant
    I feel there needs to be a thing where Wirtual tries Rocket League and a Rocket League player tries trackmania. A video where they both introduce each other to the game and coach each other and you get to see their progress at the end of it. For instance, Wirtual and Lethamyr coach each other in their specialized games or something.
  • @lekronss
    im so proud of wirtual for restarting his pc before stream, congrats man, how does it feel
  • @WallySketch
    The video : You have 15min to make a time on 5 maps. Wirtual : Spend 15min on the first map Also Wirtual : Why am I only 56th ?
  • "Once you start giving ME money, things start going YOUR way." needs to be the new subscription notification lol
  • @XenKreigor
    Here's an analogy to explain why drivers stop working after a time: Imagine you're a cook in a restaurant, and your job is to prepare dishes according to specific recipes. These recipes are like the drivers in a computer; they tell you (the cook) how to use the ingredients (the hardware) to make a meal (the software's functionality). Now, say the restaurant changes its menu and adds new dishes. These new dishes require different cooking methods or ingredients that aren't in the old recipes. So, you need new recipes (new drivers) to handle these changes. Likewise, when a computer's operating system or software gets an upgrade or a new version, sometimes it includes new features, or ways of doing things, that the old drivers don't know about or can't handle. When this happens, you need to update the drivers so they can work with the new changes and keep your system running smoothly.
  • @SkepticNL
    Genuinely pronounced Joran Witte in the most Scandinavian way possible.
  • @dogtato
    Wirtual, the pyramids weren't built in a day, and video card drivers are like the internal ramp. as the pyramid grows taller, you have to update your ramp.
  • @leesusca7339
    The algorithm has served me this video 4x in the last 10 vids. It likes you, wirt
  • @PhoenixianThe
    The randomized points method in round two here feels almost like the opposite of Cup of the Day: Where the latter punishes failure and risky strats, this kind of score system instead seems to reward doing consistently well: As long as a playstyle finishes high enough most of the time, it can survive absolutely eating dirt a few times here and there.
  • @Spiderfffun
    12:42 oh no.. okay, yeah he became my inner demons in under 5 seconds
  • @matt-xe5km
    wirtual talking about drivers sounds like if i tried to talk about trackmania
  • @Wybawiciel1
    18:15 - sounds like every mafia guy ever talking to a business owner about buying protection
  • @TechX1320
    Figuring out maps myself... man can I relate. I hate when people on servers are like "just watch the gps"
  • @CMWolfMagic
    Main thing I love about TM Turbo is the random map gen, would love to see it in TM20.
  • @Hazy-x
    I’ve never played this game and I’m addicted 🤣
  • @MrXander032
    updated my graphics driver because of this video. Cheers dude.