I’m not okay


コメント (21)
  • @chaso124
    You have my respect for trying to express yourself, even though it's something difficult and uncomfortable. Keep putting your needs in high priorities
  • I’m proud of you for being open about this and helping us all break the stigma! I’m also quite mentally unwell (bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, specific phobias) and it IS hard to talk about but so necessary! The more people who know you as a person as well as a mentally ill person, the more we break the stigma and humanize mental illness. ❤️
  • I feel exactly like you. Exactly. What you described is how I've felt for a few years now. Thank you for sharing your feelings. I'm going to add you because you're the only person whose talking about this and I have a feeling that society is in this negative rut due to politics and covid. The united States is coming apart.
  • I feel you Sonia... When I don't feel positive, I avoid talking to anyone. But I try to not forget that problems come and go when it's time so don't be too hard on yourself, you're a great person, you're brave, you're precious! you've got this Sonia 🍀
  • I am so proud of you for speaking your truth, it takes guts to come on here and say that you’re not ok to 82.5k people. It’s ok not to be ok and if you have been feeling like this for 11 years and you are still here doing your thing then you are a strong person. I have had mental health issues my whole life, I’ve been on medication in the past ( it may work for others, but it didn’t for me ) I find getting out and walking barefoot on grass, sand etc and hug trees and ask the universe to help you feel better. If you sit there giving out thoughts of feeling low to the universe, that’s what you are going to get back. You have to manifest happiness, meditation helps a lot - that’s what helps me anyway. I really hope you are feeling better soon Sonia because you are such a lovely person and deserve to be happy 💗💗
  • @405Lenny
    I can tell you this, you have been blessed in many ways, intelligent, amazing sense of humor, and great physical beauty. Everyone has issues, and just going through life is not easy. Stay positive, please. And always maintain that sense of humor. You’ll be ok. 💕
  • Your doing amazing!!! You are so cool and chill ❤️ I hope your okay!!
  • You have always got an army of love behind you and you are NEVER alone I promise you that. Things will get better they always do I promise you, sometimes when you are down you have been buried to grow and then bloom into a beautiful flower, it’s all part of the process! You’ve got this queen 💜
  • Its good to open up to your fans, I can understand what your going through, everyone once in there lives will be in a situation like what you are in right now, you don't have to say it all in once, just take small steps, be postive I know you don't feel like that but be greatful for life, food and others, just give yourself a positive reminder, I know it easier said than done, but just remind yourself that, Take Care! <3
  • You are not alone. I am going through the same phase. You are a gem and I am proud of you for opening up and talking about it on Camera. Re Chori tu dhaakkad hai. Apne aap nu kam na samajh. Jo bhi hovega tu us to upar uthegi. God bless.
  • I understand exactly how you feel. I also have anxiety and other mental problems that are difficult to explain and express. I'm also a millennial and back in our time mental illness was still trivial. It was frowned upon. It was misunderstood. It wasn't the norm. But I am happy for this generation and how they have more awareness and resources. But there are people who still don't understand it. Mental awareness is not as known as it should be. There are still people who don't take me seriously because I have good days. But yeah there are good and bad days. And bad days and worse days. I'm glad you are talking about it. I hope you feel better soon and I hope you are able to share your story. You have my support.
  • @CrenJay
    I have the exact same feelings and the same phases etc. A lot of days during the past 2 years I found it difficult to leave bed and go to work and my anxiety has definitely affected the direction my life has taken.. Trying to talk to partners or parents in the past has never gone well! I've found talking to close friends about things is definitely the best way until the feelings pass, even if they're only temporarily gone, and I had a course of CBT too which really helped :) hope you feel okay really soon!! :D
  • I'm from the United States and I deal with anxiety and social anxiety as well, plus a couple other things I am not quite sure about. I am not sure about you, but I often have the thought in my head that I am not okay. That I am fragmented and broken as a person. It is so exhausting and I feel so much anguish. If you feel the same way, I sincerely wish you happiness and relief from the anguish. I really hope you see this cause I spent a lot of time putting this into words. And to everyone reading this, please don't worry about me. I do my best to surround myself with positivity and the people I love most. ❤️
  • @zilpd
    i am so sorry for your pain 😭
  • every one has issues, kinda forgot how i ended up on this channel but been here a couple of years. time to time i like to watch what you up to :)
  • So sorry to hear you were/are feeling this way, I hope things have gotten better for you in the last 2 months. It's so good you are talking about these things though, because that way you can identify and validate your feelings out loud and recognise it. Best of luck working on yourself, what has helped me is looking into personality types and finding out I was an ENFP and MY GOD everything makes sense, why I do the things I do and why I feel whe way I feel!
  • I feel the same it’s hard to express how I be feeling but I hope u feel better soon stay strong ❤️
  • Remember it's totally OK to not feel great all the time. It's part of life and it's what guides us towards enjoying our time more and more as we grow older. Also, don't fear seeking for professional help. I think this is something we all should do at some point and should never be a source of shame. A professional will help you understand your emotions; their roots and teach you how to interpret and act (or not) on them.