Polandball animated - An Argentine tango

Publicado 2018-04-26
A new countryball / Polandball video, just for you! Made in less than just 2 months, this represents a miracle for this channel and for me on the whole. Who would have thought it was possible!

Anyway, the video turned out pretty well, I guess. There might be some little inaccuracies, but you can just sit back and watch it without really having to find some deep geopolitical meaning. I really hope that you would enjoy it, because after that, I guess I'll try something different... for once. I prefer being free of my moves, and this time, I decided to explore new ways of animating, and of course to tackle new subjects. I hope you will understand my choice, but I really want to do something else for a moment.

Music (which is by the way Russian and not Argentinian) : Alfred Schnittke : Agonie - IV. Tango, by the fantastic Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin. And here in the essential link,    • Alfred Schnittke : Agonie - IV. Tango  

And a brilliant summary by a youtube user in the comments: Argentina was a colony from Spain. Spain and Portugal fought for a big portion of Argentina and for Uruguay. In 1806 and 1807, occurred the two British invasions of the River Plate, one of them took place in Buenos Aires, and the viceroy escaped so the Argentinian "criollos" had to defend their city by themselves. In 1808 Spain was occupied by Napoleon, so a viceroy representing Spain was a nonsense. In 1810 occurred a revolution that gave Argentina a self government, there was a war and in 1816 declared the independence. In the first years Argentina was in a continuously war againist Brazil for Uruguay, but the UK influence made Uruguay declarare independence from Brazil. In 1864 Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay fought againist Paraguay in the War of the Triple Alliance, where the Alliance obviusly won.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jaime963
    In spanish 'Argentina' is a female noun, so this is very accurate.
  • @akman7826
    1:59 America: hats off as a respect to Argentina Brazil: throws rock at America Brazil: SIMP!
  • @sawlaen824
    UK: picks up Uraguay and yeets Good day. Thank you for making a video about Argentina that isn't biased against the Brits. I love this.
  • @natansilva6180
    Damn Brazil looks like a Overlord, with his puppet, Uruguay
  • @raphaelmelki6471
    Come on, who reported this video for infringement on privacy?? Because of that, and even this having absolutely no reason to be the case anyway, in less than 2 days, this video might as well have ceased to exist on this channel! I am stressing out, I do not want another "1933". Please, if you are the person who reported this video, please tell me personally what is the problem here, because you flagged all the video! This doesn't help me in any way!
  • Amazing Raphael, thanks for making this. Let me explain some things from this video: Argentina was a colony from Spain. Spain and Portugal fought for a big portion of Argentina and for Uruguay. In 1806 and 1807, occurred the two British invasions of the River Plate, one of them took place in Buenos Aires, and the viceroy escaped so the Argentinian "criollos" had to defend their city themselves. In 1808 Spain was occupied by Napoleon, so a viceroy representing Spain was a nonsense. In 1810 occurred a revolution that gave Argentina a self government, there was a war and in 1816 declared the independence. In the first years Argentina was in a continuously war againist Brazil for Uruguay, but the UK influence made Uruguay declarare independence from Brazil. In 1864 Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay fought againist Paraguay in the War of the Triple Alliance, where the Alliance obviously won. That's all.
  • @rustypwn
    English *versión en español abajo*: I took a few minutes to write an explanation of everything that happens in the video * Argentina was a Spanish colony when it was still the Kingdom of Spain. * There was tension between Portugal and Castile for the expansion of both by and on the continent which led to the creation of the viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata. * The United Kingdom invaded the Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata and this defended itself without the help or support of Spain twice. * The war for independence broke out, the United Provinces of the Plate River "Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata " are born, here is a small allusion to a fact that is embodied in our anthem which literally says "and the free of the world respond, to the great Argentine people hail" (France and the United States, which already were considered free people, recognize and greet the newly formed Argentina). (After 2 or 3 light blue flags Argentina changes its colors to the blue of the Bourbon house from 1819 to 1820) due to hatred to spain. * The conflict is developed in cisplatina, which with the intervention of the United Kingdom later becomes Uruguay. * Here starts the war of the triple alliance from 1864 to 1870 and Paraguay makes Argentina (which was neutral) enter the conflict by invading the city of Corrientes after having asked the president to allow them to cross Argentine territory and this refused. * From 1835 to 1852 Argentina had become a confederation, after a process of instability and internal wars Argentina reunifies and the country was officially named Argentina or Argentine Republic, in addition to maintaining its previous denominations as official: "United Provinces of the Plate River" and "Argentine Confederation". * Argentina returns to the light blue and white flag made by Manuel Belgrano (the history of the flag is full of comings and goings from 1810 to 1985, especially since in 1944 a dictatorship president divided the flag into a civilian and a military one, until 1985 where flags were unified). * After a strong Italian / Spanish immigration current caused by the war, in 1944 a process of rapprochement with Spain began, where the "Patriotic Song" was replaced by the "Argentine National Anthem". (The first version in addition to last approximately 30 minutes was heavily loaded with anti-Spain content with phrases like "proud Iberian lion" or "In the fierce tyrants envy, he spit his pestiferous gall. (Bis) His bloody banner raise, provoking the most cruel fight. (Bis)." ************************************************************************************************************************************* Español: Me tome unos minutos para escribir una explicación de todo lo que pasa en el vídeo * Argentina fue una colonia española cuando todavía era el Reino de España. * Existía tensión entre Portugal y Castilla por la expansión de ambos por y en el continente lo que llevo a la creación del virreinato del rió de la plata. * El Reino Unido invadió al Virreinato del Rio de la Plata y el mismo se defendió sin la ayuda o el apoyo de España 2 veces. * Estalló la guerra por la independencia, nacen las "Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata", aquí hay una pequeña alusión a un hecho que está plasmado en nuestro himno el cual literalmente dice "y los libres del mundo responden, al gran pueblo argentino salud" (Francia y Estados Unidos que para ese entonces se consideraban libres reconocen y saludan a la recién formada Argentina). (Luego de 2 o 3 banderas celestes y blancas Argentina cambia sus colores al azul de la casa Borbón desde 1819 hasta 1820) por resentimiento a España. * Se desarrolla el conflicto por cisplatina, la que con intervención del Reino Unido posteriormente se convierte en Uruguay. * Inicia la guerra de la triple alianza desde 1864 hasta 1870 y Paraguay hace que Argentina (que era neutral) entre en el conflicto al invadir la ciudad de Corrientes luego de haberle pedido al presidente que les permita atravesar territorio argentino y este se negara. * Desde 1835 hasta 1852 Argentina se había vuelto una confederación, luego de un proceso de inestabilidad y guerras Argentina se reunifica y el país pasa a llamarse oficialmente Argentina o República Argentina, además de mantener sus denominaciones anteriores también como oficiales: "Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata" y "Confederación Argentina". * Argentina vuelve a la bandera celeste y blanca de Manuel Belgrano (la historia de la bandera está repleta de idas y vueltas desde 1810 hasta 1985, sobre todo porque en 1944 un presidente de facto dividió la bandera en una civil y otra militar, hasta que en 1985 donde se unificaron las banderas). * Luego de una fuerte corriente inmigratoria italo/española causada por la guerra inicia en 1944 un proceso de acercamiento con España, donde la Canción Patriótica se ve reemplazada por el Himno Nacional Argentino. (la primera versión además de durar aproximadamente 30 minutos estaba fuertemente cargada con contenido anti España con frases como "altivo león ibérico" o "En los fieros tiranos la envidia, escupió su pestífera hiel. (bis) Su estandarte sangriento levantan, provocando a la lid más cruel. (bis)".
  • @LLAnimattions
    I love how your animation syncs up with music so much hnnggghh ❤️❤️❤️ Great job as always!! :DD
  • @Daniboy0826
    Love Argentina 🇦🇷, from neighbor Brazil 🇧🇷
  • soy bailarina de Tango, tuve que estudiarlo y esto esta muy bien hecho ME ENCANTA AAAAAAA <3
  • love how Britain gets up, stops the Brazil - Argentina fight, liberates Uruguay, and goes away like a true gentleman.