Journalists Challenge State Dept on 'US Criticism of ICJ Ruling on Israel' | Dawn News English

Published 2024-07-23
US state department spokesperson Matthew Miller addressed journalists' questions on the US criticism of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling on Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories.

Miller explained that while the US respects the ICJ's role, they are concerned about the potential for unilateral actions that may deepen divisions and hinder the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

He also emphasized the importance of negotiation and a two-state solution. Additionally, Miller discussed the situation in Gaza, including Israel's use of water as a weapon, and the US efforts to provide humanitarian aid.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Frank-Talk
    Not voting for anyone who supports Apartheid. Period!
  • @Frank-Talk
    What do you expect. They supported Apartheid South Africa and now they’re supporting Apartheid Israel. Sad!
  • This psychopath can't stop smiling when talking about Gaza & West Bank. It's disgusting!
  • His typical pattern is to stand in front of the podium and lie to people all over the world
  • Thank you ICJ for the ruling against Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine! ICC please send out arrestation warrants to Benjamin and Galan!
  • Ask him why Palestinian civilians can't gather rainwater? See him, hear him, make lots of sounds, saying nothing.
  • @Farokudagelap
    Lying liars lie and what is so insulting they expect us to believe them.
  • The release of the hostages will not be a problem if the Palestinian state is recognized and has the right to self-determination - WITHOUT US VETO. As long as this is not the case, the US is complicit in apardheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide (since: 1948 and especially 1967) because it does not respect international law and thus endangers freedom and democracy worldwide. (The clarification of the ICJ of 19.07.2024 is unambiguous)
  • @jawed2019
    Mr. Lie, shame on you. How many time your same words ? Liar.
  • @TanhaIslam
    You can have "concerns" about court decisions, but you're still bound to follow their orders - domestically and internationally.
  • @zamssam7153
    Matt Miller look like Dracula 🧛‍♂️
  • @darv011
    11:11 you can disagree with it, but you must comply with the ruling! That is what happens all around the world.
  • Why should recognizing Palestine as an independent State be problematic for the US???
  • @soulsaver369
    "Where we have concerns" translates to "We have biases".Miller has absolutely no shame when it comes to lying.He will stand and tell lie after lie knowing full well that they will be exposed here on YouTube by the many content providers who work tirelessly to bring us the truth.
  • @user-ly9cj7vb3o
    Such lies. The desalination plant have been totally destroyed and will take years to rebuild