Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton Third Debate Cold Open - SNL

Chris Wallace (Tom Hanks) moderates the final debate between Donald Trump (Alec Baldwin) and Hillary Clinton (Kate McKinnon).

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コメント (21)
  • @docj09
    It’s so funny how certain they were she was going to win.
  • The fact of the matter is, Trump gives comedians so much more material to work with.
  • "Im gonna be baby trump" not even 2 seconds later "they'RE RIPPING BABIES-
  • @NileshR12
    When she says “Osaama a bin a Laden” 😂😂👏🏽👏🏽
  • @Phil0609
    "Señor Guacamole, his wife Tiquito' and their twins Chips & Salsa" 😂😂😂
  • I lost it when he said, “I’ve got Chachi.” 🤣🤣🤣 This never gets old. 😂
  • alec baldwin as trump is more believable than trump as trump. wow
  • Who else just scrolled down to the comments to see the shitstorm? 😂
  • Can I just say, Tom Hanks really showed how good of an actor he is. From the anchor mannerism (twirling pen, shuffling cue cards) to natural delivery! Actors obviously reading is a normal part of snl, but Hanks made it natural - he even took the time to look/read down his supposed cue cards.
  • “Mr Trump, you’re probably gonna lose”. That honestly hurts now
  • @Gaeill
    this is stuff one puts in a time capsule. It's hysterical but deadly correct. Brilliantly conceived and expertly carried out. Still smacks strong this very moment.
  • I always lose it at 5:27 just love how Kate eyes turns like crazy, hahahaha!! I love her!!