[×] "Grow" || 3 Year Improvement Project ||[×]

Publicado 2024-04-01
I am looking forward to making this a tradition.
Enjoy a quote taken directly from the rp strand that inspired this:

Tarantulahunter was certainly quite embarrassed, though he tried to hide it. "Oh, I know," he agreed confidently, his grinning face warm. "I'm one of th-the prettiest cats in my Clan!" He lifted his head, tilting it away from Thrasherpaw, as if to emphasize his good looks. But, really, the young tom didn't want his friend to see how flustered he was making him. It wasn't right— he was supposed to be the cool one, the untouchable one. How could Thrasherpaw make him feel like this??

Thrasherpaw smirked and got closer tauntingly. He /liked/ seeing Taran uncomfortable, he considered it payback "Oh yes- I can certainly see that for myself." He mewed smoothly, this was the perfect revenge. All those times Taran called him pretty or smart, now, he would get him back for those. "I don't reckon I've /ever/ met a cat prettier than you. Not even my own reflection."


Song is Grow by Conan Gray
Characters are Thrasherquell (left) and Tarantulahunter (right)