Cloud Engine Cloud Multiplayer


Faster and more efficient than griffpatch's tutorial version (I think). Similar to the cloud engine used in Splatoon, but after looking at griffpatch's version again, I improved it more, and will be using this engine for future games!
I put lots of comments inside explaining the code.

If you want to make a cloud game, I suggest you first watch griffpatch's youtube tutorials to understand cloud basics. Then use this engine if you need to store more data or make it faster.
Here is griffpatch's full tutorial playlist:

tags cloud multiplayer multi player mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo mmo variables tweening tween cloud sounds

PROS of this engine (as opposed to griffpatch MMO tutorial):
- saves the most amount of cloud space
- very few custom blocks (large amounts of custom blocks can cause lag) (you could even make it just 1 custom block)
- usernames and capital-letter usernames
- sounds change (good for sho0ting bullets too)
- synced global timer
- tweening is easier to understand than buffer and takes up less cloud space
- because all cloud processing is done in 1 script, you don't need the clones to process it, and can display players with stamps

- not for beginners
- slightly more blocks and costumes
- tweening is less accurate than buffer
- slightly more difficult to add your own data

If there are more ways to improve it please let me know!
Ask any questions about it and I will try to answer

BGM: Everybody's Jumpin - Dave Brubeck Quartet