スーパー Sugoroku

Publicado 2023-06-01
— Sprites and backgrounds made using https://www.canva.com/
— Music and play button sound made using Chrome Music Lab
— Sound effects: https://pixabay.com/sound-effects
— Link to Game Proposal: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFl3vyGeag/rQUv0Tfj8wfNL9gE4-KTBw/view?utm_content=DAFl3vyGeag&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink'

Update logs
1/6/2023: Still under small development, movement of player 1 made but not fixed, haven't made downwards movement, made the base for start screen
3/6/2023: made the base movement for player 1 and 2, no downward movement yet.
4-5/6/2023: finished 3 players' full movement and made a little animation to the characters. Added the scoring system too. Waiting to make 4th player.
6/6/2023: Made 4th player, fixed most of the bugs+expanded the board to accommodate more questions.
7/6/2023: Made sprites into aeroplanes, added music, leaderboard in progress, added the [Rule and Instruction section], updated notes and credits.
10/6/2023: Full revamp!!! New board, new start screen, new movement made for all players
11/6/2023: Made a question system for 2 players. I also made 1 question
12-13/6/2023: Made all questions for all players, finished leaderboard, updated board, updated the play button, updated the [Rule and Instructions] section.
14/6/2023: Made the end screen + moving background
15/6/2023: Bug still unidentified, made more on the moving background.
17/6/2023: Made ending screen
5/7/2023: Made a new system of movement for more interaction.
8-11/7/2023: Phase 3 of development, added a video listening screen, custom player names, screen for people lazy to read this (help icon). Updated the Rules & Instructions too.
14/7/2023: Updated the Rules & Instructions again, added sound effects. In development: added a settings icon and screen for a better customisation. I fixed more bugs too.
18/7/2023: Fixed question bug. End of phase 3 development. Entering phase 4 development, future updates include: more settings, greater stability, pop-up button for position check & adjust of plane's position…and more. Stay tuned!!
As of 18:21, 2 players' position has been adjusted.
19/7/2023: Finished all player's movement adjust. Added the “Colour Inversion” function in the game. Added the pop-up button for position check. Fixed more bugs.
20/7/2023: Fixed another bug, added settings for Graphic Quality. Added voice option for welcome screen (update screen soon).
21/7/2023: Added a menu button in the board, added a new icon: dictionary. Fixed another bug.
22/7/2023: Remade the leaderboard, fixed another bug. Also made a system when a player answers a wrong answer, their position will change.
23/7/2023: Made the dictionary
24/7/2023: Made more on the dictionary, fixed more bugs. Made the menu to be on start screen to declutter the page.
25/7/2023: Finished the dictionary, done with the wrong colour for dictionaries 1,2 and 3, added play button sound, changed game name, fixed bugs. And........
That's the end of phase 4 development!!!! Phase 5 development only if needed. New update: I changed the welcome clip.
28-29/7/2023: Starting phase 5 development, probably the final phase. Current updates occurring: Added floating icon for correct and wrong answers. New scoring system.
30/7/2023: Added animations
31/7/2023: Updated the questions part
1/8/2023: Fixed bugs
2/8/2023: Added more animations, improved stability
3/8/2023: Improved stability and board
4/8/2023: Fixed bugs
5-16/8/2023: Made the game mobile-friendly, finished final corrections. End of development.