Miles Morales: New Age (Part 1)


9:45 pm

Brooklyn Visions Academy Dorm Rooms, building 2

Miles Morales

Mile’s phone rang, startling him. He was drawing at his desk, and playing some lofi on his smartspeaker. He picked up his phone and looked at the screen. MJ, Peter’s girlfriend, was calling him. Miles answered the call. Hey, MJ said, I have been trying to text you for hours. It’s Peter, she said, he disappeared in a flash of light right in front of me. He’s gone. He has a note in his dresser for you, just in case something like this happens. Now it has happened. So I am going to read you the note. Dear Miles, she read, if you are reading this, it means that I have vanished or died. You are Spiderman now. I trust you fully Miles, and I give you my blessing. You will have help along the way from a friend of mine, Spiderwoman. Good Luck, Peter Parker.

Miles Morales

Three days later,Saturday, 1:45 pm

Warehouse in Jersey City

Thanks for meeting me here, Kamala Khan said. No problem, Miles said, where's Riri? If you had been at our last two meetings you would know that she is missing, Kamala said. We tried to find her via some of Brawn's tech. We found that the last known sighting of her was in Puerto Rico. We went to that location and found that there was a mansion near it. We entered the mansion grounds. We then were confronted by Tony Stark, who said that Riri had sent some tech for her armor over for him to look at and make improvements on. He tapped into his satellites and searched for her armor’s energy signature and concluded that she was nowhere on Earth. So, she is gone, Miles said. Yes, Nova said, and she is not in space. I checked with the corps. Sam, are you okay, Kamala asked, you have been looking depressed since you got here. It’s just that Rider was pronounced missing, presumed dead, Sam said. He was a mentor to me. Honestly, I was feeling down before that, with the giant world eating man coming for Earth. I saw so many people die right in front of me. Why couldn't it be me? Sam, Miles said, don't beat yourself up, there was nothing you could do. It can still be me, Sam said. Sam, Kamala said, no, you can't do that. You have people who love you, Miles said, you have people who care about you. Miles hugged Sam for a few seconds and released him. His phone buzzed, and Miles checked it’s screen. He had received a text from an unknown number. Someone gave me your number, it said, can you meet me now? Miles hesitated before texting back, Where?