Scraco's Second Art Dump

Publicado 2023-04-23
Loved and favourited by @-TheGreenNinja-, @IncognitoOrange, @TeachMeToHowl, @MJM3, @cartooney and @BubblesTheAnimator.

Loved by @BluRetrievur
After I shared my first art dump, I've begun to experiment with the line of action and been drawing more extreme poses. I got this advice from scratcher @cartooney, who draws amazing cartoons as well. I recommend you check their work out. I have also been seeing a lot of Preston Blair animation and character tips and tricks online, which I also recommend you should see if you love animating. This art dump focuses more on my newer drawings from 2023, with one of the art pieces only coming from last year.
Song used, - Puzzle - from the Photo Channel by Nintendo.
Other credits go to for the logos, to @cartooney for my new tips and Scraco's redesign.
#All, #Art, #Dump #Scraco #Sarah #Raski #Rabbit #Drawings #Cartoons #Painting #Cartoon #Drawing #trending