DTAE || Pisces

Publicado 2022-10-15
I'll draw human form of him on paper, if you want, I can take a picture to show you- (i design it based on the animal version design.)
Chapter #; Chapter name: (Usually, parentheses after the chapter number is the POV, but this story has only Aquarius's POV, so no.)

Continuation of Backstory:
"There's this girl, named Alex Secrena, your goal is to help her." Maclet explains. "That, is your first goal."
"Ok..." I responds as I jumped into the portal, to find her.
Chapter 2; Alex Secrena:
I wondered around, trying to walk on two legs, since I've never had. Apparently, we're in a city, no, a little town, near a little forest. As I went into the town, many thought I was a professor or some Liberian or maybe some rich person. At least the forest gives me a place to get away from these townspeople. A image magically appeared onto my hands. It read: 'Photo of Alex; from Maclet~ Good luck!!'. Great. She looks like a depressed girl, with brown hair, who looks as if she moves around a lot, short hair as well. At least its probably going to be easy to spot, since she's wearing red, out of all the colors! Glasses on, it helps me detect and locate things and has other cool abilities when put on! Not so bad!! As I glanced around, I peered at crowds and others as they thought I was crazy and weird. I started to give up, since I can't find her, but then, SWOOSH. Someone came flying by, zooming like the speed of a cheetah.
"HEY! THEIF! THEIF!! Come here girl!! Return my food you fool!" Someone shouts as they followed like a snail. As I turn, I realized that Alex just zoomed by, the person I needed to find. Maybe she was an orphan and poor something along those lines for trying to steal food.. Oh well, better go follow! I went over and hid behind the buildings and took out a spell book. I casts a spell so I could teleport towards where she was heading, there was no 'teleport-to-this-person-or-that' spell. As the mist surrounding me disappear from the teleportation spell, I can see her coming my way, and I quickly reached out and grabbed her, yanking with my arms into the forest I hid in.
"HEY!" She yelped.
"Hush." I said casually, as the man passes by.
"Where are you, thief!?!??!!!" He howlred in the sudden disappearance. He retreats in disappointment and anger.
"Fine, I'll give you that one for saving me." She responds as she dusted herself. She turned and said "I'm Alex."
"I'm Aquarius." I told her.
"Wait, I thought I saw you before, I thought... I thought I zoomed passed you..?" She stammered.
"No! Nooo... Noo... Not at all..!" I laughed nervously, so she doesn't suspect anything. But too late, she already knew.
"Yeah right. Can you teleport or somethin?" She asked.
"Umm..." I hesitated.
"Can you?" She asked, with a more serious look.
This is not going well.
"I dunno." I replied dumbly.
"What do you mean you don't know??!? It's a YES or a NO." She hissed. "You no what? Whatever, I'm not playing games with you, I've stuff more important than this."
"What stuff?" I questioned and rose.
"None of your businesses." She responds with an eye-roll.
"Well, too bad, I saved you, so you tell me." I argued.
"UGH!!! FINE!!" She roared. "I'm trying to find my mother."
"Which is..?" I narrowed my eyes to her.
"Ugh. Ash, her name is Ash, she loves flowers, likes black, has antlers, and deer ears, with black wings with a demon-tail. Don't tell me she's crazy 'cause I shouldn't be telling you this." She replies with a serious look. "You ain't gonna tell anyone about that, are you?"
"Of course not." I replied, as serious as I could be, but I just felt like I knew who it was.
"Yeah, and how do I know if I can trust you?" She turned.
"Because..?" I replied. "I won't..? Besides, I'll help you find her, I think I know who it is... But I just can't fully remember."
"What??!? Really?" She yelped in surprise.
"Really." I responds.
"How?!??! Tell me now! Where is she?" Alex asked.
"I... You have to give me more evidence of what she is or do or look like or some other things about her..." I shrugged.
"Well... What if you're just trying to get info?" She mewed.
"What?" I turned. "No! Of course not, if you want me to try to help you, then that is how."
"Fine..." She replies in disperse. "She said she had went to many many funerals to give them good lucks and all that, she likes to hang out in the near by forest, at least used to. Usually we would camp there to find and pick flowers, but she disappeared on the last camp we're in there..." As I connected the pieces, I recalled that the only person who can match all those personalities and the name itself, was the goddess of deth.
"Umm... I think.. I know who it is... But just telling you, she's probably not going to return." I told her.
"What? Why?" She shouts.
"Because! She has others to do! She is busy! The goddess of deth!!" I responds as I slipped the word 'goddess', oops.
"Wah- What??" She replies as she was shocked.
"Never mind-" I quickly said.
(Continuation inside project)