Blender August Progress

Publicado 2021-09-01
◈ Click to zoom
◈ Arrow keys to change slide
◈ Space to change Volume
◈ Art made in Blender & edited in Photoshop
◈ Music made in FL Studio

Beware of long load times*

At the start of August I downloaded blender with the intention of making visual animations to be paired with music, and have since been really enjoying the process of learning a new art medium and applying it in interesting ways. Could probably have posted most of these individually but I don't have enough music prepared for that haha

First render I made - followed a tutorial about creating procedural landscapes using displacement mapping, and added some volumetric fog

Applied the process to creating a looping animated scene though in a bit of a janky way, and with a poor understanding of how to give the render a sense of scale

Used JS Displacement to generate some super detailed 8k textures to make tech patterns, and mixed it with a similar procedural mountain setup from the previous projects, as well as some animated lasers made from a series of masks on an emissive plane. Just like the previous one, this loops seamlessly

Using JS Displacement once again to add detail and create a dystopian futuristic vibe

Adaptive subdivision test using JS Displacement textures to create a 3D tech pattern (as well as some lighting practice)

First time making use of heightmaps from external software to generate mountains that are far more realistic

Second Heightmap test, this time on a far larger scale. Really needs to make use of multiple divisions within the displacement at different subdivision levels because I don't have enough GPU memory to render the whole thing in high detail - looks really cool though

Tested a custom dispersion glass shader and used some fancy colour grading techniques to give it some nice colours in post

made earlier today, once making use of geometry nodes to randomly scatter objects, more dispersion shaders on the glass and some more fancy colour grading