Publicado 2015-03-28
Wooohoo! Today I reached two thousand amazing followers! :D
I'm completely blown away! That is two thousand awesome scratchers who support my passion and hard work - and to think that it's less than 9 months ago I celebrated one thousand. That's just crazy! :O
In fact, over the last 2 years, my follower count has increased tenfold, from 200 by the time Scratch 2.0 was released to 2000 now!
I can't thank you guys enough! Your continuous support and feedback is the true driving force behind my success lately!
Thank you so epically much!
Keep on being awesome, 2015 has only just begun! Epic stuff is coming your way!

Over and out.

Music: Celebration - Kool & The Gang
Credit to @griffpatch for the 16-frame walk cycle animation.