✹ wait did I make a meme??

Published 2021-03-10
✹ hey did I make a meme?

honestly these graphics are kinda blah :0 but I have not shared a project in a MONTH I'M SORRY but right now I have other priorities and actually I'm like halfway through 4 different projects but #procrastinatorclub I've been working on them for a while and have no motivation to finish them even though I was supposed to share one of them for women's day two days ago oOPS

anyhoodleyhoo, I found this music in my backpack and was like hEre let's slap it into a project and make something. Hope you like it? I think? This is an (almost) one-year anniversary project since the World Health Organization declared a coronavirus pandemic. CAN YOU BELIEVE WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR A WHOLE YEAR??

I haven't really been doing a lot of vector art lately, although if you've seen my 'snow day' project, I've been doing a lot of background painting like that!

apparently I don't use grammar anymore so you probably can't understand half of this because there are no breakups and it's just a couple very very long run-on sentences (like this one)

credits are at the end of the project!! I think I got the right person down for who created the song but that might be wrong