Node Test

[ space ] or [ click ] to move the blob around
Brushing your mouse pointer against the nodes makes them sort of retract back into the cell. Same with touching the side of the blob against a virus or the max limit.

I think this turned out pretty well

The retraction variable is how much neighboring nodes pull back when an adjacent node is activated
You can also change the number of nodes, but I think that 20 is best.

I wasn't really planning on making, but I just decided to test this thing out. I thought it would be interesting.
I might remake though; it seems like a fun game to create. Maybe I'll also try to make a cloud engine. Who knows!
I think it would be too intensive on Scratch to run these node physics for every player or virus onscreen. Maybe not though, if I find an efficient way to assign nodes to a certain body it might work.

I'm inexperienced with softbody physics, or really physics engines in general for that matter. So, this isn't the best, but I think it's halfway decent