Treasure Opener v2.0

Credit to Nintendo for sound and music
Credit to @BetaAxle for text generating script.
All other stuff by me.
Suggestions for updates are Always welcome!
v1.0 Released
v1.1 Added music and highscore,increased max levels of both upgrades to 5 and other stuff.
v1.2 Added shovel,minor bug fixes,added new bonus upgrade and more!
v1.3 Increased max level upgrades,added Shop,bug fixes.
v1.3.1 Just changed some prices and minor improvements
v1.4 Added new items in the shop and added inventory,increased max levels to 7 of Bonus & Free Treasure
v1.5 Added achievements!
v1.6 Bug fixes,the treasure opens slightly faster,you get small rewards from the achievements and more achievements!
v1.7 Added options button,where you can change music and sound! Also added list of achievements,so you can see what achievements you still need to get AND you get a signal when you get an achievement!
v1.8 All the options are now in one menu,so it's less 'cramped'. Added (sorta) instructions in-game. Also,you can change the goal of the game in options.
v1.8.1 Bug fixes and added stats to menu.
v1.9 Added new item in shop,new achievements,chest closes slightly faster and max upgrade levels increased.
v2.0 Now there's a highscore list! Also bug fixes