Master Fault Chibi (DD#248)

Publicado 2020-03-06
AUGH ofc Scratch ruins the quality of my not Scratch-sized-canvas :pensive:
Here's the dA version for better quality :")

Been working on developing my Chibi art style and wanted to practice drawing a Sei'se. Haven't designed Fault yet so gave him a first-pass design. It's DEF gonna change from here LOL, gotta make him way fancier and add a LOT more gold. Sei'ses tend to wear a LOT of gold accents (Case in point being Joldea). I also need to adjust his design for a design element about Sei'ses I COMPLETELY forgot about when sketching sobs- I'll explain more about it when I finish redesigning Joldea with said feature and fleshing it out a bit more bc it's actually really important to the story and is currently my reasoning behind why Joldea's personality/moral compass does the 180 that it does.

So anyway have my lil boye w/ crippling guilt he tries to hide !! Fault ! :D
i'll probably doodle his twin sister lady fate next hehe