iT'SSSS @xxwarriorwolfgirlxx 's sPECIAL DAAAY
I'm sorry I've been holding that back way too long

bRO!! It's insane, I can't believe you're 18 ;; I saw your birthday on your profile a bit back and was like :o lES GO GOTTA MAKE ART
You've seriously inspired me since those years ago!! Your art was always god tier you gotta agree with meE
I can't say it enough- I was seriously so glad to have a friend from all that time ago come back!! Seeing your art, animations, and your comic, was seriously the best feeling ever!! I was always a h u g e fan of your style, it's so detailed, pleasing to look at and gAHH!! you're seriously so talented bro!! Not only that, but you always have something extraordinarily uplifting and inspiring to say!! You're a blessing waHH <': You're super supportive to everyone around you (even to me, who is a little unexperienced egg to this very day)!! You inspired me so much to keep drawing, even when you weren't on scratch for that period of time I remembered how awesome I felt to be included in a group with such kind animators, especially you c': !! I hope you have an awesome birthday! You deserve the best one!! <3