Stary the Adventurer and Creek the Alien | Story Swap Stage Two

My project for the second week of Scratch Camp 2019! :D
See here for more information:

I don't really know what's going on in this scene. I started it with no idea how it would turn out lol. And now here we have the adventurous cat kid Stary and her alien babysitter who loves strawberry juice.
I imagine Creek to be the I'm-too-cool-to-be-a-babysitter type but when it comes down to it, she's just like, PARENT MODE ACTIVATED haha.

Candy Bear by @CurlyWall
Creek by @StarzSparklez
Stary by @FlaffyTheBest
Backdrop by @StarzSparklez with elements I added by @FlaffyTheBest and @Alphagov
Chimes by @Hedgygirl_Scratch
Creek's laugh by @StarzSparklez
Stary's sword sounds by @Alphagov and @FlaffyTheBest