✪ DTAE ✪

Thanks for being so patient @hold-onto-anything ! Hope this isn't too late!

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Name: Siro
Species: Kioku (Original species by @hold-onto-anything !)

Likes: dandelions, cardboard boxes, mason jars and plastic dinosaur figurines
Dislikes: loud noises, silver wear, and remote controls

Surviving the apocalypse changes a person. Some go mad, others become fearful, and some... are filled with the overwhelming desire to collect plants.

The earth had changed. Man had destroyed most of the old world, including themselves. This change was sudden and harsh, but with it came new life. the hardier things of the old world that survived the change adapted and shifted, and a new era was born.
For Siro, a parasitic creature, the change had not been kind. The number of hosts available had dwindled because of it, and without anything to protect him, he became very weak. After a long period of wandering in vain, he finally stumbled across a small lizard-like creature and took it as a host.
Still weak, but with a little more zest, Siro set out to explore the changing world, his main priority survival. He wandered through strange forest and barren plains, and eventually stumbled across the remains of a human city. In the city, Siro found an old laboratory, a place where the humans had once sought to find a way to stop the inevitable change. The exposure to the chemicals and radioactivity in the laboratory affected Siro, who, as a parasite, was built to absorb the energy and nutrients of the things around him. It altered him and he became stronger and more resilient, no longer needing to be on the constant lookout for food and energy. His exterior features changed, too, and the green strip that ran down his back began to emit a dim glow.
With survival no longer being a top priority, Siro began to take more notice of things. He explored more pleasure than for survival, and noticed the abundance of struggling and changing life around him. With more time to think, he became aware of how he took the life around him and used it to sustain his own. It was a dark truth, he concluded, that many also lived with. Despite this, he was filled with a sort of guilt and felt inclined to make up for it. So Siro decided that he would travel around the new world and collect all of the struggling plant life he found and bring it back to a hidden glen to help it grow. Thus began a strange self-proclaimed mission, and Siro journeyed from place to place gathering varieties of plants, old and new. He created a diverse garden filled with glass bottles, jars and cardboard boxes that he used to hold the plants- as well as various other objects he found. He is especially fond of his collection of 52 plastic dinosaur figurines (this number is always increasing, of course). Thus Siro remains, contented with his curious life, always ready to explore the changing world.

(forgive me of any grammatical errors; it's rather late)

m u s i c // Jupiter - Sleeping At Last