Dark hedgehog cc *CLOSED* remix

Publicado 2014-09-11
Credit to Sunshine101121! :3

Now, what's been Blur doing. HEY, BLUR! CAN I BORROW YOUR CUPCAKE RECIPE FOR MY MOM? Blur: Um.... O.O; NO, I LOST IT! Me: OH, OK THEN! That's how to know if he's up to something. *thumping from his bedroom* *goes upstairs* BLUR, WHAT'S THE THUMPING? Blur: Oh crap! *stuffs everything in closest and under bed* Me: *opens door* Blur, how many times have I told you, Don't shove your stuff under your bed and in your closest! One day this is gonna explode on you. Blur; DON'T OPEN THAT! Me: *opens door and gets buried under Blade, Sky, a knife, cupcakes, and a bottle of icing* WTH IS ALL OF MY MOM'S BAKING STUFF IN HERE FOR? Blur: Um... *turning red from embarrassment* And why are Blade and Sky in the closet? Did you find them there, or where you guys playing hide and seek in there? Blur: HIDE AND SEEK! O.O; Sky: No, we weren't! *glares at Blur* Blur: What'd I do?! Sky: You know what! You tied me up and gave me the cupcake recipe to read. The last part I don't know why. I don't even eat cupcakes. Too sweet for me. Blur; Um... I gotta go bye! Me: Hey, get back here! *chases around house* You guys might not wanna watch this. It may get a little dangerous. GET BACK HERE, BLUR! YOU SAID YOU LOST THE RECIPE! HEY, GET OUTTA THE KITCHEN! GET OFF THE FRIDGE! HEY, IF MOM COMES HOME AND SEES THIS SHE'S GONNA KILL US! HEY, GET AWAY FROM THE COOKIES! GET OUTTA THE FRIDGE, I DRANK THE LAST OF THE MILK! HEY, NO FOOD IN THE BEDROOMS! Blur; Oh, right. *noms on one while walking around the kitchen* Me: *facepalm* *2 MINS LATER* GET BACK HERE AND TELL ME WHY YOU TIED UP SKY AND BLADE! HEY, NO JUMPING OUT THE WINDOW! GET BACK IN HERE! *grabs by arm before jumps out window* Now, why did you tie up Sky and Blade? Blur: Uh..... SMOKE BOMB! *throws sugar in the air* Me: Blur, that's sugar, not smoke. Blur: Ok ok, we were um, playing like a uh, cops and robbers game and uh, we got a little, eh heh heh, cared away.....? Me: Real reason, please. Blur: Ok, ok! We were playing school and they were running out the window because they hate school. Me: Sky likes school, so why tie him up too? Blur: I, uh.... um... Would you believe me if I said I didn't do it? Me: No, course not. Blade: Hey, can I get a cook- *jaw dropped at the wrecked kitchen* Since when were we in those Tom and Jerry cartoons? Ok, forget the cookie. SKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs upstairs* SKY, HOLD ME! *jumps into Sky's arms* Sky: Hey, I can't see! *trips over knife* WAGH! *falls on floors* Ow.... Blur: O.O I-I-I-I........ Me: Spit it out, Blur. Blur: Ok, I was making *mumbles something* them... Me: Don't mumble, Blur. Speak normally. Sky: He was trying to make US into cupcakes! Blur: NO I WASN'T! Sky: YES! Blur; NO! Me: This could take a while. *gets a freezie out of freezer and give it to Blade* What one? Blade: Ok. *bites plastic* HOW DOES THIS DARN WRAPPING COME OFF?! Me: You cut it with scissors. *facepalm* *cuts it* Blade; Oh, right. ^ ^; Me; Oh boy. Living with chars you made is REALLY bad for your heath. Worse during school time. I have to find them in my bedroom, and my brother keeps going in there. My brother knows about Blur, (They share my bro's room.) but not Sky or Blade. Sky: EXPLAIN THE CUPCAKES CREEPYPASTA YOU PRINTED OUT AND WROTE 'Going To Try Later' ON IT? Blur: Um..... SMOKE BOMB AGAIN! *throws moire suger and jumps out window this time* Sky: Hey! *coughs* don't like sugar! *sneezes* Blade: I'll get him. *glides after and comes back with him about 5 mins later after me and Sky cleaned the kitchen* Blade; *dragging him thru the door with lots of cuts on him and a bunch of icing* Take him and go put him in one of those rooms that they keep those insane ppl in. *throws him at me* Me: Um, what's with the...? Blade: Don't go there. Hey, how many Band-Aids we got left? I may need a couple. Hundred. Me: Um, maybe about 50, but I'll get the tissues instead. Blade: Works. As long as he stops trying to kill us. You got any belts? Me: My dad does, but why? Blade: *grabs one and ties Blur up* Me: Oh, right. Like they do in the movies. You guys watch too many movies, and Blur reads too many Creepypastas. I'm gonna find a nice movie without any stupid stuff. No Tom & Jerry, tho. There's too much banging and stuff. Blur: Can somebody untie me now? Blade and Sky: NO! Me: You're getting too dangerous to let loose, Blur. You're gonna have to deal with it until you calm down. Blur: Give me candy.... I NEED CANDY! Me: No candy. *throws a bit of sponge at him* Blade and Sky: ._. Sky: This is getting weird. Blade: Ya, lets get out of here before WE'RE dragged into this. Me: Blade, the tissues are under the sink in the bathroom. Blur: CANDY! Me: Ok, you're just getting stupid now. Blur: Cupcakesssssssss........ Me: O.O; Ok, we'd best leave him alone. Blade: Ya, we got that at the start of this. Blur: *rolling around with Derpy eyes* Cupcakesssss......... Sky: Maybe we should get a doctor. Me; No. Try the hospital. Blade: Ya, more like somebody who's good with screwed-up ppl. Me: Who can do THAT? Sky: *shrugs while we leave room*