[Accepted!] Message box - FPC Application

Music: Lemaitre - Closer
Rest by me. The easter egg was too obvious!
If you want to apply to be an FPC, I encourage you to make your own application :)

Oct 19th 2018 - Top-loved before even being accepted..........? 0_o
Oct 21st 2018 - ACCEPTED!! Thanks @ceebee :D
Oct 22nd 2018 - 31st on trending... *faints*
Nov 19th 2018 - My shift just started :D :D
Nov 25th 2018 - My shift just ended... Thank you everyone for such a great shift!

Note: @S0m3Person and @R3quirements aren't real scratchers, I just made them up, until someone ACTUALLY made those accounts like 8 minutes ago! XD Whoever that is, kudos to them.