11 // Daughter of the Sea

Publicado 2018-12-27
For @PeeBee-And-Jay 's MAP! Hope you like it! Sorry for the long wait!

This was very fun to make! I got some good practice in run-cycles and lighting and played around with some expressions on Lionblaze and Jayfeather. I always imagined that Lionblaze was more expressive than Jayfeather so I gave him the more panicked expression and Jayfeather a more resigned. Also I played around with shading and now they look like a impressionist painting oops

There was no set design for the forest background so I just combined the Lakeside and Gathering background designs. Also I added the stars in Lionblaze and Jayfeather's eyes so do I get bonus points

This is the first time I have animated in a very long time
also this required the use of four different programs and I am tired

I have so many cut animations and drawings from this that are just sitting in a pile and it's rather sad