AFOE Episode 1 "Poor, Poor Syria"

Press the green flag, sit back, relax, and just watch.

If you do not know what Alternate Future of Europe (AFOE) is, then read the section below the music credit.
Music - "Cool Adventure Intro" by
AFOE is where countries talk and fight as if they were humans. AFOE is definitely not something that everyone will like, as it is only really appreciated by people who have an interest in war, like myself. Countries will be highlighted with certain colors to represent what they are doing. Here is what all of the colors mean: :
White: talking
Red: attacker/rebels
Blue: defender
Yellow: third side/attacker of a second war
Green: fourth side/defender of a second war
Any other color: Alliance
Studio containing all AFOE episodes:
Fun facts about this AFOE:
This project was completely redone twice, made almost backwards, and took me a LOT of time to complete. Please like, favorite, and follow if you like seeing me suffer :p.
I have one last thing to say even though no one scrolled down this far:

The next episode of AFOE should come out soon