Phonology and the IPA

Published 2017-12-28
It's finally here—a project about one of my favorite things in the world, the International Phonetic Alphabet!

Ever wonder what those symbols you see in dictionaries mean, like ʒ, ŋ, or ɑ? Or perhaps weirder ones you've seen around the net, like ɬ, ɽ, ħ, ɯ, or even ʘ? Maybe you want to know what "glottal stop" and "voiceless alveolar fricative" REALLY mean? Or perhaps you're just interested in linguistics? You've come to the right place.

In this project, I'll be giving an overview of some of the basics of phonology: the linguistic study of human speech sounds.

I HIGHLY recommend checking out this site, where you can hear the pronunciation of all the different symbols in the IPA, and also see the full IPA Chart:

HOW IT WORKS: When you click the green flag, there will be a list of topics. Click on the topic that most interests you! (I recommend looking at all the topics though.) Press the right arrow key to navigate through all the stuff I've written about that topic. Some topics are only one page, while others are much longer! Press the space key to go back to the topic list.

TLDR: click to chose topic, right arrow to navigate topic, space to go back to topics list

This is the first project I've made in a while that involved actual coding, so there may be some glitches.

I honestly don't remember where a lot of the info in this project came from—I wrote most of the text from memory. I guess I just absorb info about linguistics, hahah. Lots is from Wikipedia, though.

Thank you very much to - where I got the IPA vector characters!