Battle of Hogwarts

Publicado 2018-03-17
✩ Curated on 9/9/2016

♡ Top Loved from 10/9 to 14/9/2016

ⓘ One of the major wizarding events — the Battle of Hogwarts — has been revisited in this project. It saw the epic clash of light and dark, ending in a decisive victory for the former in the early morning of May 2nd, 1998.


The conflict culminated in the death of arguably the most dangerous Dark wizard of all time and the survival of the Boy Who Lived, thus signaling an end to the Second Wizarding War. Neither can live while the other survives...

In addition to reading various details about the battle, it is possible to play as one of six characters who fought the war by accessing the game menu. You can duel the CPU with three levels of difficulty or engage in combat with another user in a further enriching real-time multiplayer experience.

Although the production process of this project was started and shortly halted in 2014, the idea of having a multiplayer duel game was only formulated about a month before its release. My interest in dabbling with multiplayer on such a platform has been a long time coming, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity.

The song that plays in the main screen is 'Open at the Close' by the wizard rock (wrock) act Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls. The lyrics reflect Harry's frame of mind as he prepares for what he believes is his final stand against Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest.

The game menu's music score is 'Courtyard Apocalypse' from the eighth and final Harry Potter film. It is a beautifully poignant track and was partially chosen as it is reflective of the in-game environment.