card game!!!

Jackrocks1 gave me the idea to do this so shout out to him! gonna add a way too look at ur collection! tell me what cards you get!\
1.0 release!
1.1 Added ice
1.2 added a rarity system
Working on
1.3 collection!
Ok heres how you tell the value of your card! SO First you find its rarities! So times the attack by 4 and add the health then use this list to see what rarity it is.
2-9 stinks
10-19 common
20-26 uncommon
27-33 rare
34-39 legendary
So if I got a 3 attack 4 health ice wizard it would be a common ice wizard!
but you can take it one step further here are all the possible creature color combinations and how many points they are worth:
yeti 0
dragon 2
angel 2
wizard 1
hydra 3
Demon -2
yeti -2
dragon -2
angel 0
wizard 0
hydra 0
Demon 0
yeti 4
dragon 2
angel -2
wizard 0
hydra -1
Demon 0
yeti 0
dragon 2
angel 2
wizard 3
hydra -2
Demon 2
yeti -2
dragon 2
angel -2
wizard 2
hydra 2
Demon 1
so you take your number and add the modifier of the type combo!
SO a 3 attack 9 health fire wizard would have 23 points making it uncommon! This is optional!