Not Today 2 Week Pallete OC MAP {SEMI-COMPLETE}

Ugh OK so the reason this is "semi-complete" is...

I tried to add the sprite for part 14 (I think it was 14? Maybe 15?) and scratch popped up with this message saying I went over the project size by like 1776KB or something. Honestly I'm so mad right now. I've seen projects with around 50+ sprites, 100+ scripts, and 20+ backgrounds, but yet mine has only 1 background, 47 scripts, and 21 sprites. I don't understand how it went over the file size, but unfortunately this is all I can manage. Please do give ALL of the participants some love, even if they didn't make it into the complete MAP <3


Other notes -
I'm still very very mad at scratch. This MAP took nearly over a year just to get MOST of the parts in and putting it together and trying to get the timing correct ALONE was just 3 MONTHS. I feel very, very sorry for those of you who didn't make it into the final MAP. All of your parts were wonderful and they deserve all the love that can be given <33

Also the timing seems to change everytime you watch it?? Thanks scratch rip


1. @Dreampelt DONE
2. @Chewzers DONE
3. @_arrow DONE
4. @Willow-Kitty DONE
5. @AnimalHugger DONE
6. @Chewzers DONE
7. @howlfreeplease DONE
8. @_Leaf_Shimmer_ DONE
9. @leafleap DONE
10. @Blueberry-Kitten DONE
12. @Stormwolfmaker22 DONE
13. @_Leaf_Shimmer_ DONE
14. @KittykatCupcakes DONE
15. MINE NEVER FINISHED (haha oops)
16. @hawkstar785 DONE
17. @Sandstorm5 DONE
18. @fuzyclaw123 DONE
19. @fuzyclaw123 DONE
20. @Stormysenpai33 DONE
21. @Miss_Mayo DONE
22. @Duckgirl8 NEVER FINISHED
23. @skittles545 DONE
24. @CatKatniss NEVER FINISHED
25. @Ask_LightningStar
26. @-magpie- DONE
27. @funnybunnyg2005 DONE
28. @-Willowsplash- DONE
29. @Willow-Kitty NEVER FINISHED
30. @purpleflowerj DONE
31. @StormySpiDragon DONE
32. @WorthyGames_Test DONE
33. @robo9 DONE
34. @Moonstrike DONE
35. @CatKatniss DONE
36. @glowingstarfish DONE
37. @-Silverpaw- NEVER FINISHED (I think?)
38. @Windyumbreon DONE
39. (actually this doesn't exsist so don't even ask for it)
40. @xXotterclanXx NEVER FINISHED
41. @Windyumbreon DONE



Animators - Above
Music - Not Today by twenty one pilots
Overwhelming Stress - Me and Scratch
Cover Photo - @Chewzers