✩ morning melodies ⊹ closed tfcrp litter ✩

Published 2024-05-24
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⠀⠀⠀⠀application form

⊹ username, nickname & pronouns
⊹ about you (please write more than a few sentences, i'd like to really get to know you!)
⊹ rp experience
⊹ past and current tfcrp characters
⊹ longevity
⊹ activity levels
⊹ first or second slot?
⊹ why are you willing to leave your current character (if applicable)?
⊹ why should you win?

⊹ which kit you're applying for
⊹ why you're applying
⊹ kit's future pronouns, gender & sexuality
⊹ simplified personality
⊹ detailed personality
⊹ research (if applicable)
⊹ roleplay samples & jrps
⊹ trivia (optional)

⊹ codewords (hide them)
⊹ other

feel free to add sections, or mix up the order!

⠀⠀⠀parenting style & extra information

darlingdahlia is a very family-oriented cat, and these kittens will mean the world to her. normally she's very outgoing and loose, but she'll be a bit more strict with the kits. she will allow them to make their own decisions, but will watch over them carefully and do her best to keep them safe.
she would have them call her mom, mama, or mum, whichever they prefer.

the kits will be found at one moon old. their mother was a loner, but was unable to care for them properly and left them near the shadowclan border, hoping someone would come across them and take them in, and when darlingdahlia comes across them she adopts them as her own.


thank you so much to rue for designing lullaby and luminescence, you outdid yourself and they came out wonderfully! <3
thank you to mila for gifting me lyric, he fits in perfectly and i'm glad to have him! <3
thank you to everyone who was excited for this litter, it means a lot to me c:
and thank you to you, for taking an interest in this litter!


lullaby & luminescence drawn/designed by @ruemeow
lyric drawn/designed by @dragoncatwolf
litter hosted by @xx-autumnbreeze-xx
thumbnail by @xx-autumnbreeze-xx
song is mall by c418

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