coyotebounce's starclan reference sheet

◦⋄ ☘ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ ☘ ⋄◦
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╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ positive traits .
⠀⠀▸ brave
ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage
⠀⠀▸ loyal
faithful and devoted to someone or something
⠀⠀▸ protective
having or showing a strong wish to keep someone or something safe from harm
╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ neutral traits .
⠀⠀▸ energetic
showing or involving great activity or vitality
⠀⠀▸ honest
free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere
⠀⠀▸ trusting
showing or tending to have a belief in a person's honesty or sincerity; not suspicious
╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ negative traits .
⠀⠀▸ reckless
(of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action
⠀⠀▸ daredevil
a reckless person who enjoys doing dangerous things
⠀⠀▸ oblivious
not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one
╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ detailed personality ;
Coyotebounce is very loyal and brave and would die for his friends and loved ones in a heartbeat. He feels the need to protect his family from harm. He's very honest and would never lie, even if it hurt someone's feelings, and very trusting which could lead to him being betrayed or lied to. He has seemingly infinite energy and is always very excited. Coy has no problem with leaping into a situation head-first, no matter the consequences, which often leads to him getting hurt. He is oblivious to other cat's feelings sometimes and will say exactly the wrong thing.

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ personality trivia .
⠀⠀▸ mbti ; enfj
⠀⠀▸ alignment ; neutral good
⠀⠀▸ enneagram ; ?

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╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ biological family .
╰▹ mother ; foxfrenzy
⠀⠀▸ @.npc / ✿✿✿✿✿ / ❝ mom is the best, she was always kind to me. ❞
╰▹ father ; mixtape
⠀⠀▸ @.npc / ❀❀❀❀❀ / ❝ i never knew dad, mom told me not to worry about him. wonder what he's doing these days. ❞
╰▹ sibling ; dogkit
⠀⠀▸ @.nappiing/ ✿✿✿✿✿ / ❝ tba❞
╰▹ sibling ; puppykit
⠀⠀▸ @.angelwings8 / ✿✿✿✿✿ / ❝ tba ❞
╰▹ sibling ; wolfkit
⠀⠀▸ @.silverdragonwing / ✿✿✿✿✿ / ❝ tba ❞
╰▹ other ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ adoptive family .
╰▹ mother ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞
╰▹ father ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞
╰▹ sibling ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞
╰▹ other ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ friendships .
╰▹ friend ; beetlenose
⠀⠀▸ @.skipperthesilkwing / ✿✿✿✿❀ / ❝ beetlenose is awesome! he showed me around starclan when i first arrived, and we've been friends ever since! ❞
╰▹ frenemy ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞
╰▹ enemy ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ other relationships .
╰▹ romantic ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞
╰▹ platonic ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞
╰▹ educational ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞
╰▹ idol ;
⠀⠀▸ @.user / ✿✿✿❀❀ / ❝ thoughts ❞

◦⋄ ☘ ʀᴇᴄᴏʀᴅꜱ ☘ ⋄◦
❝ quote here ❞

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ status .
⠀⠀▸ dead [died 4/21/24]
⠀⠀▸ died to cloudedglade's illness

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ birth .
⠀⠀▸ birthplace ; mossclan medicine den
⠀⠀▸ birthday ; march 2nd, 2024

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ death
⠀⠀▸ deathplace ; mossclan medicine den
⠀⠀▸ deathday ; april 4th, 2024

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ events .
╰▹ _ / _ / _
⠀⠀▸ content

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ backstory ;

foxfrenzy gives birth to four kittens, fathered by a kittypet named mixtape. she chooses to raise the kits in mossclan, unaware of their father. coyotekit is apprenticed as coyotepaw, and after his training is named coyotebounce. a few moons after he becomes a warrior, he falls ill to a mysterious sickness spread by cloudedglade. the sickness claims his life, and he goes to starclan.
╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ trivia .
⠀⠀▸ birthstone ; aquamarine
⠀⠀▸ birthflower ; daffodil
⠀⠀▸ horoscope ; ♓︎ - pisces

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╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ likes .
⠀⠀▸ exploring
⠀⠀▸ nature
⠀⠀▸ friends
╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ dislikes .
⠀⠀▸ spiders and bugs
⠀⠀▸ the dark
⠀⠀▸ being alone
╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ scent ; a blend of sunflowers and fresh air

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ habits ; tilting head when thinking
╰▹ hobbies ; cloud-watching, star-gazing

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ favorites .
⠀⠀▸ weather ; sunny
⠀⠀▸ color ; yellow
⠀⠀▸ food ; mouse
⠀⠀▸ word ; sunshine
⠀⠀▸ family member ; he loves them all equally

╭┈─┈─┈─┈ ─ ⚘ ∘ .
╰▹ links .
⠀⠀▸ fandom page ; n/a
⠀⠀▸ starclan ref ; you're here!
⠀⠀▸ warrior ref:
⠀⠀▸ kithood ref ;
⠀⠀▸ litter project ;

◦⋄ ☘ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛꜱ ☘ ⋄◦
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⠀⠀▸ original layout by @.sauerkraut-
⠀⠀▸ filled in by @.xx-autumnbreeze-xx
⠀⠀▸ music in project is from omori
⠀⠀▸ art in project by @.xx-autumnbreeze-xx (click/space to see the starclan marking-less version)