Toys Vs Nightmares

Published 2011-09-05

Sept. 6th - Reply to many comments below:
yes, we clearly inspired to Plants Vs Zombies: it's a so epic game!
PvZ evoluted the cell-board tower defence concept into a great gameplay experience.
Nothing to hide about our tribute to it.
Do you complain all FPS games inspired by Doom or Quake? Or RTS games following Command&Conquer or WoW/Starcraft?
Few gameplay genres divide videogames in categories. Then it's just an issue to be able to entertain players with new stories and fun :D
Xplored can invent something new (we did and we'll do with dozens games each year), but this time we just wanted to let you enjoy a free online game with a personal storytelling, inspired to a legendary title that ...btw my wife was playing on my iPhone that night below!!
So please guys enjoy our work and just have fun with us :D
Hi NG guys!
..All came to my mind during a night when my little son awoke frightened by his own nightmares... and I used his toys and some fantasy story to make him confident and sleep again :D
...What about you?
As a kid, have you ever been frightened by the nightmares popping out from your wardrobe?