Treasure Quest III

Publicado 2005-01-27

EviLudy.Net strikes Again!
First of All, We're releasing 3 versions of this game!

This is the version with levels designed by Super Bokey.
[email protected]

Please go to and sign up for!
We have exclusive games, tutorials and lots of cool stuff!

Programmed and designed by Zero of EviLudy.Net

Levels designed by Yoow of EviLudy.Net, Diddy and SuperBokey.


1.) move your character NEXT to the switch, pull it with space.
2.) The chest now opens.
3.) Station yourself IN FRONT OF the chest.
4.) Press space, you've finished the level!
5.) Do not get caught by the enemies.

Use the brushes in the level editior to design the level. The arrows are enemies.
Go to the level editior's menu and go to map settings, ALWAYS. ALWAYS set the enemy, terrain and Enemy type.
next up is probably Final Fantasy Sim Date RPG 2!

EviLudy.Net :: Play the Game, Don't let the Game play you!
Zero to the Flow.
Yoow to flow.
Diddy and SuperBokey.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

~ Yoow.