Daxolissian System: Espionage

Publicado 2021-03-11

Chrome is recommended unless sound effects are choppy, in which case use Firefox. Music should play well in all browsers now, but if you have issues use M to mute.

If you're struggling with the flight sim, this flight tutorial might help, and here's a video showing a level 1 flythrough.

Featuring music from NewGrounds musicians who participated in the Video Game Music Challenge with big thanks to Everratic for running the challenge. Check out the in-game credits to see and hear the tracks with links to the musicians' sites, and the VGM challenge page with the other participants -- there's a lot of music there that's awesome but didn't fit this game's theme. If you find any musicians you like, the Follow thing will make any new stuff they publish show up at the top of your frontpage when you log in so you don't miss it. If you want to use any of the music in this game for anything then contact the musician(s) who made it.

The game-switching mechanic is based on this code I set up to make it possible to share save data across multiple games, even if they're made with different game engines, so game devs could potentially pull off multi-game collabs of cross-interacting games. Then I found out how hard it is to actually run that kind of collab in practice ^,^ I don't have the leadership skills to pull that off but I went ahead and made a couple of games on completely different engines and mashed them together into a collab of my split personalities. If anyone's brave/foolish enough to try to run such a collab of game devs then I'd be happy to help.

I also made my first Godot Engine game which happens to be a slick 3D flight sim. I wasn't sure it would be possible with an HTML build in Godot but I guess it is. If anything seems wonky about the physics, or if you're just curious about it, check my post about the physics -- what seems funky might actually be how physics really works. If you want to make stuff with my 3D models and can use Blender then go ahead and download the .blend files here. I'm expecting the Clock Crew to make a feature length movie with them that hauls in over $60M at the box office tbh.

It also uses ESDF instead of WASD so AZERTY keyboard folks don't rage at the contrails, and just rage at how hard the game is. And as my final bit of coding wizardry, I made it so you don't have to click the game canvas to give it focus before you can start playing, the game automagically takes the focus as soon as it's loaded so you can just start playing, and for the Godot component you can just press enter to Continue if you have a saved game or start a New Game if you don't. You saved a whole mouse click! Just imagine all the mouse clicks that could be saved if every web game were to implement that trick...

Background images are courtesy NASA / JPL-Caltech. Specifically, the Godot levels' background is an artistic representation of TRAPPIST-1d, appropriate for this game because the TRAPPIST-1 system has the largest known number of exoplanets within its habitable zone so is the closest in reality to the fictional Daxolissian System. And it's extremely cool, like everything related to IRL spaceflight.

And last but not least, there's a bonus level as a small "thank you" to NewGrounds supporters. It's not mandatory in order to complete the game or collect all medals.