Just Passing


I made this during in about 3 and half weeks over October

It's easy to miss errors and bugs and I try my best to find them and fix them before I publish an update - but sometimes things fall through the cracks.

Feel free to DM me with any you find, or DM me with any questions or improvements you think can be made

28/10/2018 - made some minor bug fixes.
29/10/2018 - I improved the ending, fixed a bug where you couldn't receive the train ticket and made it less likely for the crow to get lodged inside you
30/10/2018 - I added simple quest tracking and some quest interaction improvements and a GPS map - check them out in the pause menu
01/11/2018 - I added some Newgrounds Medals - much easier to implement than I thought -- not as easy as I thought they don't seem to be unlocking for people :/ sorry for the inconvenience - I'm still working on them
04/11/2018 - Bug fixes galore - Also added an option when buying from vending machines, a run button (hold X), and a few minor updates like more descriptions of objects. Also added an option to turn off text effects for people who struggle with reading - option is in the phone menu
05/11/2018 - Medals are approved and tested now - sorry for the wait
07/11/2018 - Things are gonna slow down on development for a while - personal stuff back home, that being said I added Saving and loading (check it out in the menu) and a few minor things here and there - like the conductor's sweet new bell!
26/11/2018 - long time no...update, I think I finally fixed the issue with the medals - if they still aren't unlocking try going in and out of the room where the ghost would normally be found or talking to whoever should give you the medal again
04/12/2018 - the majority of my inbox is filled with people not getting one or two medals for some reason - it's also never the same medals, and feels almost entirely random. So I've added a ghost that will just give you all the medals - it's untested, but I think that should fix it.
23/12/2018 - finally got round to adding keyboard configuration
Controls are:

ARROW KEYS - movement
Z - action one
X -action two
ENTER KEY - pause / inventory / quests menu

Things to add:

- Add the messages page - this was to show messages from the ghosts you helped
- Add pictures for the pictures menu - a sort of mini reward after finishing a quest
- add gamepad support

The music is by
Viktor Kraus

Here's his incredible SoundCloud
