Quick Quest

Published 2017-03-21

Show your stamina and harness the power of the winds to dash across the world while dodging all that comes in your path. Your goal? To collect as much treasure as you can and to recover the Book of Ages in the temple.

Move - Arrow keys
Space - Jump


This game was made about 3 years ago before the programmer inexplicably cut contact with us. Intended as a side story in the Ender Story universe, there are a couple of enemies that make an appearance in the upcoming Ender Story: Chapter 2.

There are still a few minor bugs that can't be fixed because of the reason mentioned above, but me and Lloyde thought that it would be a shame to let it go unreleased. The most prominent things that needed addressed was a few balancing things in later levels and a depth issue in the Canyon level.

Hopefully people get a kick out of this anyway!