Dashwood's Daring Delves

Published 2014-09-08

Dashwood, the treasure hunter, has stumbled across the way to Terrapolis Temple and he needs you to guide him through the dangers on the way. Travel through the Greystone Tunnels, journey into the dungeons of Castle Raven and make your way to the Terrapolis Temple while collecting as many kupons as you can!

WASD/Arrow Keys - Movement
J: Select/Flail (once obtained)
K: Back/Bombs (once obtained)
P: Pause

The game was made for GameBoy Jam 3 and unfortunately, we didn't get it properly finished. We've since taken the time to clean the game up and make it a much better experience. It's quite short, but we think it's a fun little game to beat. It IS quite tricky in places and that's intentional so don't get too mad if you miss a jump a few times, if you die, you don't lose your items or keys.

We've also added a new feature that you unlock once you've beaten the main game once, an infinite run mode.

Hope you enjoy it!

Edit: It seems that there've been a number of problems with the game, we're not sure what's caused them, but the game was converted to HTML5 after making the game. The .exe works fine, but we're looking into the HTML5 issues.