

For those who have trouble clicking the button to start the game, please update your Flash player and play in a modern browser, I cannot find any other reason for a simple mouse click event listener to not work for you. Please PM me if you are all up to date and still experiencing trouble.

Update: Fixed the last medal. If you've already beaten level 20, it should auto unlock, just waiting for NG approval of the file!

While developing K.O.L.M. I kept itching to try out making mini adventures that could be completed quickly. This game is the result of expanding those experiements, and I think it's turned out pretty awesome. What if games like Metroid were on the scale that they could be completed in less than a Minute? Well, let's find out, shall we? Also - Lots of NG Medals once approved :)

P.S. This is by no means a sequel to K.O.L.M. - that's going to be coming soon ;) Have fun!

P.P.S. The amazing soundtrack to this game will be uploaded by Ockeroid later on to the AP, I'll update the Co-Author stuff then. It's probably the best soundtrack to any game I've ever made.