Pregnancy And Jobs

Publicado 2009-11-08

Ive been pondering wether or not to upload this here since it's only about 10% my work. I reviewed the script, converted it from American to gentlemans English and then recorded the voice for it. But seeing as I was involved in it and Tezzle himself doesnt have a Newgrounds account I thought what they hey as long as I keep mentioning him he will get most of the credit since it is his cartoon not mine

The actual animation itself was created by my good friend Tezzle for his child phycology project, working on what exercise would do to a developing fetus. He intended to do the entire thing himself inspired by my Jim cartoons but from what I recall he asked me permission to use the Jim Learns concept to his own ends and to look over the script to check it's brittishness so I offered to do the announcer for it, he accepted the offer, I was given the script, I recorded it, he took it from there.

I'm thinking if I really get obsessivly into making the Jim Learns cartoons Id make a DVD and this will be in it at an added extra

He was apparently working with a right bunch of slackers who had nothing to contribute to the project and it needed to be handed in, in a rediculously short time hence the lack of any real animation but it still got him the highest mark in the class... I think... Cant really remeber the details of what happened after but I'm sure people where wowed by it.

By the way please view our other stuff, cos if you like this more than the stuff WE ACTUALLY PUT ALOT OF TIME AND EFFORT INTO you are just going to be shitting on all our good work.
