Anime Character Generator

Publicado 2008-10-23

Hello! I am a fresh newbie here.

Note this version only does females. Look for the sequel which does both!
Sorry, characters cannot be saved (because I was using AS1 which I have no idea how to do it in).

Most of it should be easy to figure out, but I'll explain some key buttons.
-The shiny blue button between the arrows with an 'R' inside it is the reset button. It will reset the current item as well as its color. It is also a fast way to get back to the first item.
-After changing skin color, you can use the arrows to further lighten/darken the skin.
-Finally, I realize many people will click that Random button a lot. Random has several limitations, I will list them:
Will not change skin color
Will not add armor (because I technically only have 2 armors)
Will not add gloves
Will not colorize weapons or other
And most importantly, Randomize will allow you to achieve colors not covered by the palettes.

So what is the purpose of this program? Well, lots of reasons, actually! For most people it is probably a quick 5-minute forgettable game. Some will use it to make their own characters, which is what I am hoping for. For me, it is an information tool. I want people to make characters and show me what they like. It also allows someone to show me what they want when they request a character. It is also a very useful tool for me to generate lots of random townspeople for our RPG! The program is meant to be more fantasy-oriented, but admittedly the armor selection is pretty slim pickings.

All art is original and by me.

Made a character? I'd love to see it!