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Lauren Jade

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Lauren Jade の説明

Hey, I'm Lauren i recently got married to my best friend and soul mate after 10 years.
I've just started my journey into vlogging our memories as a family.
I'll be making videos around our staycations and trips we've been on, and you'll also see a few videos from our wedding back in August.
I'll also be giving you hints and tips and recommendations from where we stay and wherever we go, such as holidays, camping trips and new adventures that we find as we like to get lost and find new places.
I'll be incorporating photography into my videos as well, as i love capturing those special moments on camera.
We go on so many adventures together with our daughter and love watching her grow up.
I love seeing her smile and watching her make memories, so you may see some images of her throughout my videos.

I hope you enjoy these videos of our memories
Lofs of love ❤️

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