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442,000 購読者を
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Welcome to this channel!
On this channel, I build cool LEGO machines and make funny LEGO stop motions! :)
If you have any ideas on what LEGO dances I could make or anything you want made out of LEGO just comment on my newest video! And yes, I do read my comments!
Letssss goooo Ruffians!! :)
YouTube Goals:
1K Subs = ✅ (2022)
10K Subs = ✅ (2022)
50K Subs = ✅ (2022)
100K Subs = ✅ (2022)
200K Subs = ✅ (2023)
300K Subs = ✅ (2023)
400K Subs = ✅ (2023)
500K Subs = ❌ (Coming soon!)
600K Subs = ❌
700K Subs = ❌
800K Subs = ❌
900K Subs = ❌
1,000,000 Subs = ❌ (Maybe 2030?)

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