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sara a. wynn

2,540 subscribers

About sara a. wynn

writing by sunrise. reading by sunset. documenting the process.

๐Ÿซ– hello, dear friend!
I'm Sara, 26, a dreamer currently based in Portugal. I document my life as a young creative living her dreams. In this channel, you can expect casual vlogs, video essays, artsy short films and lifestyle videos.

my goals for this channel:
๐ŸŒ‘ to provide a supportive community for anyone following their dreams | you can do it. you are not alone.
๐ŸŒ— to nurture a slow and creative life | you are enough just the way you are. you can create anything.
๐ŸŒ• to share the raw process of following dreams | you will make mistakes. you will learn from them.
๐ŸŒ“ to be unapologetically myself | vulnerability gives you strength.

Let's be friends on instagram: @saraawynnie

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