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About FireOfYeshua

100% ForTheKingdom

Once God speaks into your life and you see the light you’ll never again be the same and you’ll now know what He really feels like in your spirit and nothing in this world will ever again be able to satisfy your soul like Him. When you know the truth, you will be set free from the lies.

Christ Is King, time is short.
Please get right with God today, we're never promised tomorrow.
Be encouraged, through Christ you have a purpose, you have a calling, you are loved and you’re never alone.
God is with you, develop a relationship with Him, He will never leave nor forsake you.
You’re called to be a Kingdom warrior, Christ is raising up an army that bows to nothing of this world. We are in a spiritual war daily and need to keep our focus on Him with the Holy Spirit in us and to overcome and to be victorious.

Soundcloud Username: FireOfYeshua
Instagram: DiedWithChrist
Old Youtube: FireOfYeshua Freestyles

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