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Soul Spa Celestial Shaman

520 subscribers

About Soul Spa Celestial Shaman

Jodi , Celestial Shaman specializes in past life regressions, akashic readings, light healing and so much more.
She is a gifted and powerful energy healer experienced in helping clients achieve balance in their nervous systems.
Energetic clearings and cord cuttings are only a fraction of the ways we can release the blocks that hold us back. This is spiritual hygiene 101. Once the energy, and even entities are removed, that’s when there is room for manifestation. Not until then.
Allowing the universe/higher power or whatever term you use for your spiritual team, lead you to your highest and best timeline, asking them to guide you along that path, never fails.
Jodi is committing to offering her guidance and skills to get you to where you want to be in this lifetime.
With comfort, compassion and security in trust and faith in a greater frequency than we ever thought we would feel comfortable in.

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