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The 'Debate Me!' Channel

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The 'Debate Me!' Channelの説明

There is something VERY wrong with our education system when we have a nation of people so easy to mislead, so absent of independent thought, so afraid to stand on their own because they feel they need to fit in and require acceptance. We have the media and YouTubers monetizing the demise of our nation while the people sit around doing nothing while our democracy is assaulted and all they have to say for themselves is "Vote him out 2020". How many of us will have been slaughtered by then? Will we be in WWIII by then? Will your vote even count since we are under attack and not doing anything? Why do we treat the over 200 year old document (Constitution) like it's the bible? It's 2019 and we are letting double century old men tell us what to do and how to run our country?

I believe in extreme objective; question everything, actively avoid biased information sources, do independent research and analysis. I see MSM and independent media as what they are, BUSINESSES

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