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3,910 subscribers

About MKF30

Hey everyone, thanks for checking out my channel. Here you'll see my voice acting showcased, review videos and gameplay videos.

Since some people have asked me concerning some of the MK vids these videos aren't meant to be taken "uber serious" if you see someone you like losing or winning. We all win some, and lose some despite how good or bad we may be. Most of them are put up of friends, or good players. A few may be to prove a point ;)

At any rate, enjoy my channel and feel free to ask me anything. NOTE: Trolls, bad mouthing and spam will be blocked.

To see me voice acting go to swoozie06's youtube channel here, it's well worth it. I do voice acting for his cartoons, we love giving people a good laugh so enjoy!

Be Sure to search MKF30/Swoozie06 or MKF30 voice acting cartoons on here and you'll get results ;)


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