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Life with Dave & Trish!

13,700 subscribers

About Life with Dave & Trish!

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Life and business with Dave and Trish!

Join us on our YouTube channel as we share our journey through life and business. We're Dave and Trish, a married couple of 23 years, who have moved from Queens, New York to Orlando, Florida. Dave was born in Guyana and spent most of his adolescence in Venezuela, while Trish was born in Trinidad and spent her teenage years in the US. We have three wonderful kids and enjoy RVing, camping, traveling, and spending time with our family. We believe in the power of laughter and adventure, and find strength in our faith in God. God is our foundation! He’s our Rock! Jesus said- I am the way, and the truth and the life John 14:6. Our house hold will serve the Lord for the rest of our lives!

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