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Mega Fudge

33 subscribers

About Mega Fudge

Merely a youtube commenter. I don't know about doing videos, I kinda suck at everything sooo...idk.

♦There is a playlist I created where I have a self imposed challenge. I pick a game, and listen to all the music. Then I add all the songs that seem good to the list, and I narrow it down to the song I think is the best. The order the games are in doesn't matter. It's made for me, and public for anyone who's bored and wants to listen to some video game tracks while they're here.

♦You can also check out my friends channel, FromTheBlue, for Super Smash Brothers content too if you like that. He, Crux, runs the channel with his older brother, Bewd. If you have a 3DS, then you can send them your replays of previous fights and have them posted on their channel. You probably could also fight them in a private battle, although you'd have to check with them in the comments. I'm also usually in the comments there, so...yea. (I'm also trying to get them to do Splatoon stuff as well.)

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