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Información sobre JS DWAYNE

Heyyy YouTube, my name is Dwayne and welcome to my official YouTube channel. I am a Upstate New York native originally from Central New York living elsewhere, 315 represent. I can't believe I still have this channel even til this day. I have to make a confession: I made this channel during the time of my last year in high school when I was 18 turning 19 and that was 18 years ago. I been on YouTube way before I had a YouTube channel so technically I been on YouTube since March 2006 and made a channel months later that year. My original name on YT is jynx200120022002 and I made up the name from a character from Pokemon named Jynx when I was 14. I don't wanna think that my life is jinxed and full of bad luck so I decided to change my YT name bcuz I feel that my life is full of opportunities and good luck. Soon I will make a video on my phone then switch it to a bigger camera soon or later, be patient. ☮️&💚!!!

First video upload was on August 10, 2019

Email: [email protected]

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